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Extension Projects

These are extra activities, projects, games, and readings that are interesting and fun but are not required to complete this patch. Feel free to mix and match different parts of the activities. The activity options are just prompts to continue learning and engagement. Happy exploring!

Learn About How Veterinarians Work to Protect the Environment
  1. Read "Veterinarians Help Protect the Environment and Assist in Disaster Recovery" resource from the AVMA (to the right).

  2. PPCPs Are Not For Me! Activity: Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products are emerging contaminants. This means that some medicines and chemicals (like fragrances that are in personal care products (such as lotion, shampoo, etc)) are contaminating our environment. Their impact is currently unknown or emerging. For this activity first read this article from the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center about PPCPs. Then pick and research one of the common PPCPs from the article's list. Find out a) in what products is it found, b) what parts of the environment it is contaminating, and c) what some of its effects on the environment are. Next make a drawing of a product that contains the PPCP or where it ends up in our environment. Feel free to get creative with this!! Finally think of one way to use fewer PPCPs.

Veterinarians and Space
  1. Read the "Veterinarians Help Animals in Space" resource from the AVMA (to the left).

  2. Astronaut Animals Activity: Did you know that animals were actually the first astronauts? Ever since the beginning of space exploration, animals have played a very important role. They went into space before humans to make sure that it was safe for humans and have continued to be on space flights and in the International Space Station. For this activity pick a decade (1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, or 2010s) and research important events involving animals in space from that decade. Find out the type of animal that went into space, why that animal was chosen, and what they were testing. Then make a timeline of the important events you found. You do not need to include all the events you find, just the most significant ones. Get as creative and artistic with your timeline as you'd like!


Here is an article that includes a booklist for aspiring veterinarians. Feel free to look through the article and booklist to find a new book (or books) that you would like to read!

Smithsonian's National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute
  • The Smithsonian's National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute has lots of free activities, videos, games, and more on its website! This is an amazing resource with tons of fun activities. Below are some links to get you started.

This patch was Gavi Fischer's Girl Scout Gold Award Project

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